About Us

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From college students to single parents to formerly homeless youth, we have helped every youth referred to us create a home.  

MIH receives referrals from individuals and organizations in Yolo County serving under- resourced transition age youth (TAY). These youth, usually between the ages of 18-24 are moving into independent living situations from group or foster homes, or from being unhoused. We partner with UC Davis Guardian Scholars Program, Shores of Hope, EA Family Services, Yolo County Child Welfare, Yolo County CASA, Yolo County Probation, Yolo Crisis Nursery, Yolo Dependency Services and Woodland Community College as well as therapists, attorneys and other individuals in Yolo County. We are able to fully furnish a small apartment for all of our clients. Make It Happen provides a “wish list” of items we offer, which is completed by the youth and referring adult. We contact the youth and arrange a time to meet with them at our storage units for them to choose the items they prefer.  We provide dining, living and bedroom furniture, appliances, bed frames, mattresses and linens, towels, shower curtains, bathmats, and other items like lamps, desks, and office chairs. Transportation is a frequent challenge for this population, so we deliver their goods to their home. We also began offering refurbished bicycles to address this need. Repeatedly these youth express their gratitude not only for the items they receive but also for the support of their community.

Partner Organizations

  • UC Davis Guardian Scholars Program

  • Shores of Hope

  • EA Family Services

  • Yolo County Independent Living Skills Program

  • Yolo County Child Welfare Transition Age Youth Unit

  • Yolo County CASA

  • Yolo Crisis Nursery

  • Yolo County Probation

  • iDream, the Mac Give Back Project

  • Communicare Ole

  • Martin Luther King Jr., Senior High School

  • Woodland Community College EOPS, CARE and NextUp programs


Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, Valente Foundation, Mikuni Foundation, Union Pacific Foundation, Robert and Joanne Andresen, Save Mart Cares Foundation, Davis Sunrise Rotary, Davis Noon Rotary, Woodland Rotary, Teichert Foundation, Yolo County 100 Men Who Give a Damn, Biberstein Social Action Fund, Soroptimist International of Davis, Yolo County 100+ Women Who Care, Martha Bernauer and Raley’s in addition to financial and furniture donations from many community members.


Make It Happen for Yolo County began informally in 2012, when our volunteers recognized that while transition age foster youth had resources for clothing, food, education and shelter, there was nothing in existence to help them furnish their homes. Through word of mouth, our volunteers began collecting used items in a garage to distribute to youth in need. In 2014, we became an official 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, received financial support from the Davis Rebekahs and rented our first storage unit. That year we helped 12 youth.  This year, in 2025, we are proud to be entering our 11th year and continue to be unique in Yolo County with the services we offer. Since our beginning, we have served well over 250 Yolo County transition age youth.


MIH Board of Directors

Jan Judson President

Joan Gerriets Treasurer

Erica Jimenez Secretary

Yvonne Emmons

DeAndre Waters, Intern

MIH Executive Director

Cathi Schmidt